In My Grandfather’s Shadow: How can we deal with a difficult past? Angela Findlay

Anglo-German author, artist and lecturer, Angela Findlay, presents her recently published book, In My Grandfather’s Shadow / Im Schatten meines Großvaters.

Based on the experiences of her Wehrmacht general grandfather who served on the Eastern Front and her German mother who fled Berlin as a child, she will explore the often hidden legacies of shame and guilt to demonstrate how subsequent generations of Germans are finding ways to come to terms with the shadow of their parents' and grandparents’ traumas and misdeeds in Nazi Germany and the Second World War. 

Date: Thursday 23 November, 7pm 

Location: Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Rhein-Main, Frankfurt Press Club, Ulmenstr. 20, Frankfurt

Info will appear here nearer the time: 

Date: Friday 24 November, 7pm

Location: Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Rhein-Neckar e.V. Zum Achter, Neuenheimer Landstraße 3a, 69120 Heidelberg 

Tickets on the door. 5€


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