The Dresden Learning Path
The idea behind the Dresden Learning Path began in Spring 2022. With this idea, we intend to make the history of Dresden in the 20th Century accessible for school pupils in a brand-new way.
With the Dresden Learning Path, instead of being led by teachers as usual, we empower students to take the lead and teach each other.
At each of the 8 stations on the Commemorative Path, students will discover facts about the 800-year history of the City of Dresden, as well as events in our twinned towns. The focus lies on the Night of Broken Glass in 1938, the destruction of Coventry, the destruction of Dresden, the peaceful revolution in the GDR, and the role of Dresden in the international culture of remembrance.
The programme can be completed within a half-day excursion and includes visits to the commemorative Sophien Church and the Church of Our Lady. This new opportunity for learning will be available for schools in Dresden for free on March 2023.